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This post is more than 5 years old


May 25th, 2011 10:00

warranty and service for alienware 24/7?

​Hi all quick question since I am deaf and I can not use dell's live chat since they only give me (again for over a year or asking for a better way) the alienware 1-888 number. I purchased last year the prem. support for that area51 pc. only question is when i tried to use the 24/7 support I always get redirected to a 'we show you have an alienware pc please call 1-888-bla bla during the hours of 8 am -10 pm CST (or close to that). There is no other way to get alienware support. Not being able to hear is tough enough but really I pay for 24/7 with the added extra of techs coming out to see me and remote access 24/7 or so it says. Now if I pay for this service how do I get 24/7 support then when dell redirects me to a phone number and that says 'we are currently closed'? Should alienware users get 1/2 off this service since we can only get you for less than 12 hours a day and NOT even on weekends? (hope that has changed no idea really on that ).? I am up for a new service contract and once again only a phone number to talk to someone etc. live chat if I try to go that way tells me to /cry call the 1-888 number. I even ask them for a listed upgrade price and they want me to talk to a CS rep. Unhappy about the 24/7 not! support but looking for answers. thanks all​

23 Posts

May 25th, 2011 17:00

Hi, try looking at your invoice. there should be a 24/7 contact number there. Hope this helps.

9 Posts

May 26th, 2011 05:00

see above i can't use it  the TTY/VOC center is also closed and open for only 8 hours duirng weekdays of which the person on the other end tells te TTY/VOC replay service to call the 1-888 number lol /cry

i am just looking for a written place where I can see the prices of the services and where I can do this online I have found nothing  except this number where the CS reps Inda accent is so bad I nor my TTY/VOC program can make it out.


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